Discounted popcorn and crisps are set to hit the shelves as Kettle Foods announces it is opening a shop.

The Norfolk-based brand is opening its doors on the last Friday of every month to sell excess stock at a discount.

Items on offer will include Kettle Chips as well as Metcalfe's popcorn.

There will also be offers on over-runs straight from the factoryr.

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The general public will be invited into the site in Norwich's Bernard Road between 12.30pm and 2.15pm on the one day per month.

Andy Verney, who runs the company shop, said: "This is a great opportunity to offer our local consumers some great deals on their favourite snacks".

Deals will include six sharing bags of snacks for £5 or 12 bags for £10.

The next opening days of the shop will be September 27, October 25, November 29 or December 13.