Two more arrests have been made in connection with a brawl that broke out in a Norfolk village after a van crashed into a house.

Emergency services were called to the Glebe Estate in Tilney All Saints, near King's Lynn, at about 8pm on Tuesday (August 16), following reports of a fight between a number of people, with some reportedly wielding axes.

Emergency services attended and three people, a man and two women, were taken to hospital for treatment. The two women have since been discharged while the man remains in hospital for treatment to serious but not life-threatening injuries.

Eastern Daily Press: A police cordon in place around the green where fighting erupted in Tilney All SaintsA police cordon in place around the green where fighting erupted in Tilney All Saints (Image: Chris Bishop)

Two women, one in her 20s and the other in her 40s, were arrested this morning (August 22) in connection with the incident.

They were questioned at King’s Lynn Police Investigation Centre and have since been released on police bail pending further enquiries.

The arrests come after two men were charged on Friday, August 19, for a number of offences relating to the incident.

Both men have been remanded in custody until a court appearance at Norwich Crown Court on Monday, September 19.