The innovative edge of digi-tech and business in Norfolk has gathered for an all-day conference of workshops, talks and shared learning in Norwich.

Since being voted a top Tech City last year, Norwich has drawn more than 250 leading thinkers in the digital and technology fields to the conference, a significant increase on last year.

Organiser Paul Grenyer said this year's meet-up was characterised by greater engagement from the non-tech business community.

'We really tried to get more business people on board this year,' he said. 'It's about people talking, which they weren't before. That will hopefully encourage talent to stay, as we've got the jobs but not enough home-grown talent in the sector.'

Leading the message that inspiration and collaboration is key to success was Jon Skeet, a software engineer at Google, as well as speeches from Rodric Yates at IBM and Ali Clabburn from award-winning Norwich enterprise Liftshare.

Huw Sayer, communications consultant at Business Writers Ltd, said the aim was to get Norfolk's profile raised outside of the region so it could aim high in the next Tech City awards.

'We're 15 out of 21 digital clusters in the UK,' said Mr Sayer. 'I'd like to see us in the top 10 in the next five to 10 years, up there with Sheffield, Cardiff... it's possible if we shout loud enough and let people know we're here.'

Do you think Norwich could become a top digital hub in the UK? Tweet @edpbusiness to have your say.