There are currently 83 job vacancies in Thetford in a wide variety of industries including care work and engineering. You can find hundreds of local jobs via the Jobs24 website.

The highest-paid job on offer is for a nursing home manager with a annual salary of £45,000. Role responsibilities include budget control within the home, training of staff and ensuring Care Quality Commission reports are upheld.

One sector with a number of available vacancies is teaching, with opportunities at secondary schools in the town and at Wayland Prison.

Center Parcs, one of the most well known employers in the area, are also recruiting with vacancies available in housekeeping, leisure and hospitality.

They are holding a recruitment day at The Bell Hotel in Thetford tomorrow and Niki Orchard, deputy HR manager, hopes to have a good turn out after a successful recruitment drive in the town earlier this month:

She said: 'We had around 160 people attend all together at our last recruitment day and although a lot of these people were from Thetford we also had people come from across Norfolk and Suffolk.

'The majority of the people who work from us are from the Thetford and Brandon area and we are probably one of the town's biggest recruiters,' she said. 'We have never had trouble in recruiting people to work in this part of Norfolk it is more of a struggle for us recruiting for specific jobs such as house keeping where we need more members of staff.'

•You can find hundred of local jobs via the Jobs24 website.