People have spotted filming crews around the streets and in the skies this morning around Norfolk.

Two black helicopters were seen circling around the Dereham area throughout this morning, with reports as early as 4am.

One local reported the helicopter looked as though it had a camera out of it, while another person spotted a film crew stop outside her house in a black 4x4. 

A woman was seen beside the car, filming in all-black clothing with a black cap on.

Eastern Daily Press: Filming crews have been spotted in the streets around GarvestoneFilming crews have been spotted in the streets around Garvestone (Image: Sarah Thomas)

READ MORE: Actors in period clothes and film crew spotted on Norfolk beach

The two helicopters were also spotted in Yaxham and Garvestone, near to Dereham.

It has been thought the filming could be for Hunted, on Channel 4. 

The reality show sees ordinary people go on the run and attempt to remain undetected for 28 days from a team of expert hunters.

The hunters use policing and security methods to track down those on the run, while members of the public help to hide them.

Norfolk police have said they have had no involvement with helicopters in the area.