ALISON CROOSE King's Lynn Arts Centre (King's Lynn Festival)


King's Lynn Arts Centre (King's Lynn Festival)

The magnitude of thousands of items mounted on a vast wall is at first overwhelming and mystifying and seems

to have no relation to the festival's theme - the 250th anniversary of the birth of King's Lynn-born explorer Captain George Vancouver.

But to begin to comprehend this baffling spectacle, it is necessary to appreciate artist Julian Walker's aim to unearth memories and reawaken the forgotten - in this case the loss of Vancouver's house in New Conduit Street, Lynn.

The installation covers a broad spectrum, including geographical features he visited during his lengthy travels mapping the western coastline of North America.

The vertical, archive-like display of labelled items includes pieces of building materials from derelict west Norfolk domestic architecture dating from the mid-18th century, as well as personal objects of the period. The plethora of items ranges from scraps of glass, material, metal and wood to shells, cones, buckles and feathers.