Elm Hill Contemporary Art, Norwich

> Elm Hill Contemporary Art, Norwich

Gravure, a series of constructed paper pieces by Elizabeth Humphries, possesses tactile indentations that are visually evocative of engravings.

Metallic patina glistens on the areas where the paper has been built up. Influenced by space travel, the scrolled central panel makes an interesting composition in John Loker's Re-entry.

The positioning of two collaged motifs encourages the reading of the piece from left to right and the loose linear brushwork is held in contrast to a tighter combed section.

As ever, I was seduced by the juicy immediacy of Zheni Warner's paintings. Inspired by Byron's flamboyant pen, the smaller piece is set on a pink background, petal shapes cupping a crescent moon laden with jewelled colours.

Louise Richardson creatively conflates memory and mapping in You Are Here.

The boxed child's dress and shoes are covered with layers of fabric printed with Ordnance Survey snippets. The curatorial-style presentation is nostalgic and cross references the wartime strategy of incorporating a silk map in the lining of airmen's jackets.

The surface of Andrew Campbell's work, Wonder, features cracked concrete, striations of black seeping from the crevices. The imprint could also be read as playful narrative alongside the child's footprints.

I was drawn to the edgy discordance of Jack Crampton's work, Lacunic, pondering on the significance of the cutout, from which a searchlight beam emanates, interrupting the otherwise comfortable circumfusing of colour.

t The Winter Exhibition continues until January 22, standard opening times being Wed-Sat 11am-5pm. Telephone 01603 617945 for further details and New Year holiday opening arrangements.