Aled Jones delivers a warm and uplifting evening of music at Bury St Edmunds Theatre Royal, says Robert Wright.

You get two Aleds for the price of one with this most entertaining evening, part of the Bury St Edmunds Festival. Aled Jones duets with his younger tenor self of 30 years ago with today's baritone man.

You might enjoy him as he is now or as he was then, but I am not quite sure if they blend too well. In his own words 'it's a bit eerie'.

Aled's warm personality coupled with plenty of anecdotes and his keen sense of humour went down well with the audience.

His range of songs were UK-wide, whether they were hymns, ballads or his own hits. You will thoroughly enjoy his exquisite singing voice.

Aled teamed up with the talented Bury St Edmunds Voice Squad with great results.

Ending with his stirring version of You Raise Me Up really epitomised the evening.