RICHARD PARR Granary Theatre, Wells


Granary Theatre, Wells

There were laughs-a-plenty when Joyce's gang dropped anchor at Wells for their latest pantomime, Treasure Island.

Once again, Joyce Trett had written the script and produced the show - but the fact that some of her motley crew forgot some of their lines didn't seem to matter. It only added to the comedy.

Seasoned thespians they certainly are not, but what they lacked in stage presence they more than made up for in enthusiasm as they bluffed and ad-libbed their way through.

Basil Chisitt was cast as the baddie in the role of Long John Silver while everyone's favourite auntie, Jean Codman, had been plastically enhanced for her role as Buxom


James Platten camped it up as the foppish Dr Livesay and Dorren Woods stumbled across the stage with her white stick in the role of Blind Pew.

Tonya Sizeland as Jim Hawkins was game for a laugh and Kate Neville come across all pompous as the squire. Zaphry Dixson and Sam Clarke were cast as pirates.

But it was Wells town warden, Shean Newman, as the parrot, Captain Flint; and coastguard Colin Harris as Ben Gunn, who all but stole the show with their hilarious appearances.

Our Joyce couldn't resist doing an “Alfred Hitchcock” in the role of Billy Bones and “died” on stage right at the start of the show.

The members of the Blakeney-based Wild Rovers, suitably dressed as pirates, added to the entertainment with a selection of their sea shanties inviting the audience to sing-a-long with them.

The panto crew deserve hearty congratulations for giving their audiences a good laugh during their three-night run at the Wells Granary Theatre and a fourth night at Blakeney while at the same time raising several hundred pounds for a local worthy cause.