IAN CLARKE Any parent or grandparent who tries to keep a child under five happy and entertained for more than an hour and a half will know it is something of a tough task.


Any parent or grandparent who tries to keep a child under five happy and entertained for more than an hour and a half will know it is something of a tough task.

So, well done to the cast and scriptwriters of the Wheels On The Bus show for doing just that for my own lively nursery pupil and many other little ones at yesterday's opening performance at the Theatre Royal.

The set, storyline and costumes are pretty simple, but bright, colourful and interesting and enjoyed by young eyes.

Beep's Big Adventure takes the toddlers to Sing Song City and gives them chance to meet Beep the Bus, his musical friends Double Bass, Trombone, Sax and Drum as well as a host of well-known nursery rhyme characters including Jack and Jill and the Queen of Hearts who made those tarts.

The chance to sing along to some favourite tunes, echo the Beep Beep verse and yell 'oh yes you are, oh no you aren't' is a guaranteed recipe to keep youngsters amused and involved.

It is a simple formula but still effective.

Some parents and grandparents might have pretended it was only the kiddies who enjoyed it – but I bet a few somewhat older than five sang 'The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long' for some time after leaving the theatre!

The production continues until Saturday June 28. Box office: 01603 630000.