RICHARD BATSON Sheringham Little Theatre


> Sheringham Little Theatre

Those of us not used to dabbling with spooks, getting in touch with the dear departed, or peering into the future, might expect to get a glimpse of the paranormal from a wrinkled Romany with a crystal ball, or a toothless crone with a ouija board.

Lizzie Faulkner is different. Her combination of psychic powers, glamorous blonde looks, charm and wit have taken her, and her world that hovers between life and death, on to the stage and small screen as far afield as cranky California.

Back in sober Sheringham she worked from a simple stage of sofa, smoke and candles, to chat about ghosts, how everyone has psychic powers which can improve their lives, and her own belief in “god, reincarnation and guardian angels”.

Lizzie recounted how a friendly female ghost had been rattling her changing room door handle earlier, while she sensed a “miserable man pacing up and down” at the back of the auditorium.

But it was her interaction with the audience that provided the highs and lows of the show. The lows were some “feelings” about people, their possessions and lost relatives, that missed more often than they hit,

The highs were getting people to talk about their spooky experiences, including one woman who revealed that 16th century rebel Robert Kett hitchhiked a ride in her car down the A11.

Lizzie showed us how dangling crystals could answer our questions, and that repeating positive thought mantras could ensure you avoided “bad days”.

Plucking four volunteer psychics from the audience almost overshadowed her own powers, when their insights into the owners' lives had a higher hit rate than hers.

On the other hand it goes to show that maybe we do all have psychic powers after all.

Then again, if that's the case, why was a second show staged due to unforeseen demand?