Crazy characters from Alice in Wonderland will star in Mad Hatter's tea party being staged at Mundesley this weekend to raise funds for the village's Christmas pageant.

A circus big top on Gold Park will play host to the new event where people can have tea and cakes with the Mad Hatter, Alice, the March Hare and Dormouse.

Entry to the 2pm event on Saturday is free and people will also get a free raffle ticket if they join in the fun and wear a mad hat themselves.

Organiser Jo Berry said it was aiming to raise cash to help buy a �1,600 sound system for the festive pageant - where villages enact the nativity story in a moving spectacle which processes around the local streets and churches.

The amplification system with radio microphones would help the crowds hear the dialogue better. Other improvements planned this year included re-jigging certain parts of the tableau to put sections on low stages so people could see the action better.

Fund raising has already seen a jazz event at Mrs Berry's home raise �400, now it is hoped the Mad Hatter's event - which stars local photographer Nigel Holmes as the Hatter and Joanne McGarvar as Alice - would raise some more. Anyone who can donate cakes and scones to the party should contact Jo Berry on 01263 720743.