> UEA LCR, Norwich

When FLC first bounded onto the scene with the quirky single Scooby Snacks, you could be forgiven for casting them as potential one-hit wonders.

But last night, as they played in Norwich for what seemed like the umpteenth time, they showed just why they are still going strong more than a decade later.

OK, so the one-time hippest man in pop - Huey - has aged a bit, but he is still irresistibly living up to his New York Cool tag.

The set was a swinging mixture of old material from Come Find Yourself and 100 Percent Columbian, along with stuff from their latest offering, Living In The City.

The band seemed to create an atmosphere of romantic entertainment mixed with their own unique blend of street hip hop and soul, which sounds incomparable to anything else. Throw in some rock and roll and misty guitar solos and you have a magnificent mix.The reason really why they are so fabulous, though, is that they transport you effortlessly from a student union hall to a swinging New York club without ever having to leave Norfolk.

That, and the fact that women want to love Huey, and men want to be him.