Mount your broomsticks, practise those cackles and head for Holt Hall this weekend where the magical Fairyland Trust will be celebrating The Real Halloween.

The Norfolk-based charity, with a national reputation for introducing families to nature through folklore, stories and workshops, has a bulging spell book of activities planned for the hall's rambling gardens and ancient woods on October 25 and 26.

The Real Halloween will celebrate all that is magical about the authentic pre-plastic Halloween, and late autumn.

Throughout the weekend children can take part in workshops including magic wands, witches' messengers, plus witch and wizard training where children will learn about British birds and herbs, as well as how to mount and dismount their broomsticks, cackle, and some useful spells.

Other activities include lantern-making, the witches' kitchen, fairy banquets and a giant photo booth on an autumnal theme.

Abbie Panks, of the Fairyland Trust, said: 'We focus on what is enchanting about the season, not anything scary. It's a great family-friendly event experiencing the authentic magic of nature in a beautiful and atmospheric setting'

Games will include conker championships, apple-bobbing races, sugar beet shot-put, parsnip skittles, and crown green vegeta-boules.

On each day the event will finish with The Real Halloween story, told in the woods by candlelight, followed by an illuminated parade of large, handmade animal lanterns.

The charity is also holding a veg-o-lantern competition. Entries must be made from British vegetables - no pumpkins.

Fire braziers, live music, storytelling, a craft market and food stalls will all add to the atmosphere.

• Everyone is urged to dress up for the event which will be open from 12.30pm-6pm on Saturday, and 11.30am-5pm on Sunday. Tickets, which are only available via, cost £10 adults, £8.50 children, under threes free. Parking is £2 per vehicle.