Mighty steam locomotives from other parts of the county are about to come a'chugging in to be part of the North Norfolk Railway (NNR)'s Spring Steam Gala.

Visiting engines at the gala, which runs April 20-22 (Friday to Sunday), will be the Great Central Railway's Standard Class 2 (78018) and the Standard Class 4 Tank (80072) from the Llangollen Railway.

The visitors will run alongside the NNR's home fleet locomotives, with passenger services running all weekend between Sheringham and Holt stations.

Steam-hauled freight sets will be running and, new for this year, there will be the formation of a hauled parcels train.

Organisers say the event promises to be a 'fantastic weekend of heritage steam'.

There are 'roving' day tickets available for the gala.

For more information or to book tickets for the weekend, visit www.nnrailway.co.uk