The Waterfront, Norwich

As rock bands go, there is something very different about Grandaddy. Stalwarts of the American indie scene, they have spent their whole career appearing to be the antithesis of the hedonistic rock and roll lifestyle. Lead singer Jason Lytle seems shy and reluctant, mumbling into his beard as the video screen backdrop depicts images of natural beauty.

But when the music starts, everything clicks into place. The Group Who Couldn't Say tells a story of office workers who take a day trip to the countryside, and AM180 is an anthemic, idealistic love story containing the line 'We'll sit for days and talk about things important to us like whatever'.

The themes of love, loss and ecology meander across the Grandaddy songbook and the overwhelming feeling is that they're completely sincere about the music they're making.

Not that Grandaddy don't know how to rock, though; a blistering Chartsengrafs and a raucous, super-fast Now It's On raised the tempo considerably.

Regardless of what they play and how they play it, the music comes straight from the heart.

As the set closes with an achingly heartfelt Lost on Yer Merry Way, Jason is now wearing a modest smile. As I look around me, so are most of the crowd. What more could anyone expect?