UEA philosophy student Sophie Goodwin recently became the youngest person to complete 100 marathons as she reveals what keeps her going

Eastern Daily Press: Sophie Goodwin and mum, Carol, love running together. Picture: Sophie GoodwinSophie Goodwin and mum, Carol, love running together. Picture: Sophie Goodwin (Image: Archant)

How did you get into running?

My mum got me into running, my eldest sister Amanda was training for the London Marathon and so mum was doing that with her and then I got into it with mum.

What's been your favourite event you've taken part in and why?

My favourite events, I have a few: Beachy Head Marathon because I have done that twice and always have a great day out on that one with mum and dad. I also love the Great Barrow Challenge series. I did all 17 of their marathons last year (youngest person and second female to do it) as there is a real family atmosphere there. I have also had a great time on my abroad marathons, it's always a great fun weekend with my parents,

Eastern Daily Press: Sophie Goodwin credits her mother, Carol, for giving her the motivation to run. Picture: Sophie GoodwinSophie Goodwin credits her mother, Carol, for giving her the motivation to run. Picture: Sophie Goodwin (Image: Archant)

Are you a competitive runner? What are your PB times for 5K, 10K, half marathon and marathon?

I'm not a competitive runner. I don't know my 5 and 10k times..I know I once got 29 mins something for 5km but I don't really know. Half marathon, I got 2:19 on Milton Keynes marathon at the half way point and 4:50 as a finish time which is my best marathon time. But the only half marathon events I've done are Hardmoors so they're up in the North York moors so never for a PB!

MORE: Former MP Simon Wright on why he runsDo you ever find it hard to gain motivation to run? If so, why?

Yes, I have frequently! Especially after my 100th marathon, I felt unmotivated and deflated. Sometimes when you're doing so much it's hard to go out and run. Especially this year when because I'm not doing a marathon every weekend I need to go out running whereas I didn't before.

Eastern Daily Press: Sophie Goodwin and mum Carol during a marathon. Picture: Sophie GoodwinSophie Goodwin and mum Carol during a marathon. Picture: Sophie Goodwin (Image: Archant)

Do you have any mantras you use in training? What keeps you going when it gets really tough?

My mum is my motivation, she's always so inspiring and makes me push when it's hard. And before the goal to get the record really pushed me.

Who do you look up to running wise?

My mum. She's so inspiring not only as a person but as a runner (she recently completed a 100 mile race).

Eastern Daily Press: Sophie Goodwin and mum, Carol, after yet another marathon. Picture: Sophie GoodwinSophie Goodwin and mum, Carol, after yet another marathon. Picture: Sophie Goodwin (Image: Archant)

What would be your best piece of advice to other runners?

Just push through it, get past that initial road bump and don't worry about pace or winning races, just do it for enjoyment and allow your running time to clear your head. I've never got caught up in times and it's allowed me to enjoy running so much.

Have you got a favourite part of Norfolk that you like to run around? Do you ever run round the UEA?

I love running around the UEA lake. Since I've lived here I've been doing a lot of marathons so never done much training in Norfolk. I did a race that went through Sheringham and I loved it.

MORE: Iwan Roberts on how David McNally made him hit the wall at the London MarathonWhat made you decide to try and run 100 marathons and chase the record?

Once I realised I could get it, it was a great motivation for me, it was a fun goal to chase. I was keeping mum company on her journey to 100 and when she got there I had already done so many – it just made sense.

What are you running goals for the future – have you got any other records you would like to chase?

No other records as of yet. I want to get my times down and then tackle an Ironman.

What gadget/item of clothing could you not do without?

My Garmin. I love it! Knowing my distance and pace keeps me on track, I'd be in trouble without it!