The carp at the Nar Valley Fisheries are now on the move after their slumbers over the winter.

Last weekend saw Lake Geneva produce four fish weighing more than 30lb, along with a good number in the 20lb range.

Fisheries bailiff Fred Marchant set a new personal best with a superb common carp weighing in at 36lb 4oz and then added a mirror of 28lb 2oz within hours to round of a superb session.

The largest carp of the weekend was a mirror which tipped the scales at 37lb 10oz, and the best catch was a five-fish haul ranging from 17lb to 34lb.

Fenn lake continues to produce quality carp and xatfish. Tickets for the season will be on sale at the beginning of April.

Hobbs lake trout fishery is going well with some good rises to the hatch as the water temperature improves. Rainbows to 3lb are willing to take small black buzzers. For any information contact Chris on 07900 285313.