SEA FISHING: Fishing certainly lived up to my prediction last week when atmospheric pressure dropped last Monday and catches immediately picked up. Whiting have returned in numbers and there have been sole, dogfish and even a double figure thornback.

Fishing certainly lived up to my prediction last week when atmospheric pressure dropped last Monday and catches immediately picked up.

Whiting have returned in numbers and there have been sole, dogfish and even a double figure thornback.

The thornback came from Orford and this beach and Aldeburgh have been back to peak form. Double figure bags of codling have been coming out regularly and some better fish are starting to show again. Several cod in the 5-7lb bracket have been reported and I heard of one fish into double figures.

Minsmere, Dunwich and Southwold have produced well but the pier at Southwold has remained the most consistent giving access in deeper water. Again catches of codling have been in double figures but some quality cod, in the 7-8lb range were also taken. Pakefield fished well but on some tides weed was a problem.

Hopton was another venue that came back to form after a fairly lean month. Paul Blythe did it again with 18 codling last Thursday with some nice fish in the 3-4lb range.