The first of a seven-part series about the recovery of speedway rider Rory Schlein will go live on Youtube today.

Speedway is regarded as one of the most dangerous sports in the world and in 2015 while racing in Poland the Australian racer and King's Lynn stars captain crashed, shattering his vertebrae.

'Addicted to Speed' tells the story of how Mr Schlein battled to get back into the sport.

The film was written, directed and edited by Max Hind of the Toofast Media Group, which specialise in the motorcycle sector.

In a trailer for the one-and-a-half hour film, which was premiered at the Majestic Cinema in Lynn, Mr Schlein said: 'Speedway is probably the most rawest motorsport that's out there. The only way I can describe it is probably the same way as a weight lifter who lifts a load of weight in such a short period of time - bang it's over. But we have got to do it four or five times a night and each race can be completely different.' As a result of his accident on May 24, 2015, parts of shattered bone were propelled into his lung and kidney and within an hour of the incident in Lodz the father-of-two was on the operating table as surgeons tried to save the use of his legs.

The first episode will appear on the Toofast Media Group Youtube channel '999lazer' today from 6pm and the next six episodes will be released weekly at the same time on a Monday.

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