WAVENEY VALLEY: It was delightful dace which made most of the opening going on the tidals with the run-off and smart flow providing the peak feeding time. Now well established at the 3-5ozs mark alongside chublets to 10ozs, the red maggot produced the best.

It was delightful dace which made most of the opening going on the tidals with the run-off and smart flow providing the peak feeding time.

Now well established at the 3-5ozs mark alongside chublets to 10ozs, the red maggot produced the best.

Brightly coloured perch made a dazzling appearance as the opening day tinge of brown in the river dropped out within days, leaving the bottom clearly seen at five feet on the upper regions.

At Broome Pit Fishery, Dick Larter fish the A Pit and produced an amazing bag during the mild spell - 182lb of bream popped out and one tench, with the pellet once again proving its strength as a hook bait. The biggest bream was 10lbs in a float caught bag.

A Help for Heroes match, run at the Beccles Club water in Haddiscoe, produced a winning bag for Chris Colby on the feeder from the shallow end last peg, with five weighty carp for a total of 28lbs 9ozs.

Bungay Cherry Tree AC has good news at the excellent tidal Dunburgh regarding the dreaded path steps and steep slope down the public footway, which may still be used.

This has exhausted anglers climbing back up after a session. Now they have an agreement so that there will be ample parking for club members, in the field on the bend 200 yards before the old access. It is through a wide metal gate by the oak tree with club sign.

This used to be a regular Angling Times Winter League entry point 30 years ago. It provides a much easier levelled slope on to the railway track.