Over the last 2 years, Weston Homes and Columbia Threadneedle have been developing plans to regenerate Anglia Square to provide a new shopping centre and leisure facilities with over 1,200 new homes and extensive public space as well as a new hotel...

We have now submitted our planning application to Norwich City Council and want to share those plans with the local community.

buivic mnd VIEW IHE MAN! Please drop in at any time during the stated hours.

SESSION 1 Thursday 12th April, 2:00pm - 7:00pm

SESSION 2 Friday 13th April, 2:00pm - 7:00pm

SESSION 3 Saturday 14th April, 11.00am - 4.00pm

WHERE Unit 86, Magdalen Street (opposite Roys - the location of previous consultation events)


www.angliasquare.com Et Freepost RTSY-BYYK-CZZT, Cratus Communications angliasquare@cratus.co.uk West Wing, 25 Lavington Street, London, SE1 ONZ