The parish priest for Wisbech Father Eddie Murphy has died after being involved in a car crash in the Republic of Ireland.

The fatal crash happened near Dublin on Friday afternoon and Father Peter Brown, chancellor for the diocese of East Anglia, said an email has been sent out by the diocese today confirming the death.

The email also called for other parish priests to keep Mr Murphy, his family and his parishioners at Our Lady and St Charles Borromeo church in Wisbech in their thoughts, Mr Brown added.

Services at the Roman Catholic church, in Queens Road, are at 6pm today and 10.30am tomorrow. Both will now be led by Rev Michael Jordan who said Mr Murphy had been the town's parish priest for 10 months.

Mr Jordan said: 'Our mass services this evening and tomorrow are still going ahead. Father Murphy was away for them anyway and we have made other arrangements.

'We will be offering prayers for Father Murphy and his family this evening. It will also fall to me to make the announcement that he died in a car accident in Ireland.

'Father Murphy had been working in Dublin and was on his way to see his family when he was involved in a car crash.'

He added: 'The parish is in mourning for Father Murphy who had done a great deal of work in regards of the community.'