Summer is set to return to the region this week as temperatures are expected to reach the mid-twenties.

Norwich-based forecasters Weatherquest have indicated that Wednesday will be the warmest day of the week, with temperatures likely to peak at 24 degrees.

And that would make it the warmest October day in this region for 40 years.

Forecaster Dan Holley said it also looks like Saturday will be a warm day.

Saturday could be 23 degrees, he said, but it is a 'long way away' and there is 'a lot of uncertainty'.

Today (October 8) temperatures hovered around 18 to 19 degrees.

Mr Holley said the weather was unusual for this time of year, when average temperatures are normally a milder 15 or 16 degrees.

The reason for the warmer weather is that there is an area of high pressure to the east and one of low pressure to the west, with the region drawing a lot of warmth from the tropics of the Atlantic, dragging in warm air from southern climes.

There will be a cold front on Thursday, briefly lowering temperatures, but warm temperatures will return at the weekend, it is expected.

The forecast comes shortly after a major report on climate change was released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), stating a final call for dramatic action to tackle global warming.

Representatives of 195 governments met in South Korea to debate the report on limiting global temperatures to an 1.5C rise, which has been published worldwide today.

Ahead of its publication, Neil Thorns, director of advocacy at charity Cafod, said: 'This report proves that keeping global temperatures to 1.5C is a necessity, not an ambition.

'Faced with such information we cannot leave poor communities standing on the front-line of this potential storm, we must act urgently.'

The report also prompts calls for dramatic and urgent steps to cut emissions to zero by 2050.

Despite the revolutionary Paris agreement, climate scientists expect the world's temperature to raise by 1.5C by 2040, unless countries reduce their carbon emission by 45pc by 2030.

While a 2C rise is seen as the threshold beyond which dangerous climate change would occur, vulnerable countries such as low-lying islands warn rises above 1.5C will threaten their survival.

Sea level rises would be 10cm lower with a 1.5C temperature rise compared to 2C by the end of the century.