A group of volunteers are back out in Beccles working to improve the town's public spaces.

The gardening group was launched last year by Pride in Beccles, a sub committee of the town council, and recent work includes sprucing up the gardens at the fire station in Beccles.

Elfrede Brambley-Crawshaw, chairman of Pride in Beccles, said: 'I'm really excited that the momentum has continued and we have had some really positive feedback to our efforts. The re-planting and tidying up of the fire station gardens on Ravensmere really seems to have energised people.'

Anyone is welcome to join the group, and the next date members are getting together is Saturday, October 28, from 10am to noon. Areas that are being targeted include the town sign on Ellough Road and the planters at Beccles Quay.

Mrs Brambley-Crawshaw added: 'All help is gratefully welcomed and if you are interested then please email the deputy town clerk admin@beccles.info or call 01502 712109.'