A forklift driver's new bike-carrying bus design has received backing from the University of East Anglia (UEA) - but is in need of financial support.

Gordon Lah-Anyane, 53, from Norwich, first had the idea on a painful commute to a rural factory.

He said: 'In Norfolk, many people work in very rural places with poor public transport connections. The nearest bus stop used to drop me miles from my factory and I had to walk the rest of the way.

'This was so annoying as I had a perfectly good bike at home but I couldn't bring it with me on the bus.'

Mr Lah-Anyane's simple solution is to introduce a driver-operated bike hold on the left of the bus – an idea he believes will encourage environmentally friendly travel.

'Now many employers demand that you have your own transport?' he said. 'Some employers even buy their workers diesel cars. This is crazy when it would be cheaper and more environmentally friendly for people to use a combination of bike and bus, which would also reduce road congestion.'

David Drinkwater, a researcher in the computer graphics department of UEA, has worked with Mr Lah-Anyane, developing graphics and animations for the project.

He said: 'This is an idea for the future of commuting throughout the world. It's not just a British thing, more and more people are moving away from cars and it could be a key element in pushing people towards cycling and walking.'

Mr Lah-Anyane is hoping to receive financial backing for his design, enabling him to acquire a patent and begin work on a prototype.

He said: 'This is not a groundbreaking invention, it is just an obvious and logical step. My dream is that we can pioneer and build these buses in Norfolk, rather than importing them from China or elsewhere in the future.

'It would be a wasted opportunity if we do not capitalise on this idea and I hope I receive the support I need to continue pursuing this vision.'

Mr Lah-Anyane is hoping members of the public will support his vision.

If you are interested in the project and would like to help, please contact Gail Baker at gail.baker54@yahoo.com.

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