The Highway Code audiobook is looking to promote novice driver safety with the release of a new recording covering road rules across England, Scotland and Wales.

With 19 chapters, the new publication is listening material whether you are travelling by car, foot, bicycle, motorcycle or horse.

Road safety is a serious issue with more than 245,000 miles of roads in the UK. Government statistics show 1,730 died on UK roads while more than 21,000 were left seriously injured last year.

And while young drivers aged 17 to 25 account for only about 10% of licence-holders, they are behind more than 20% of road accidents. While these numbers have dropped slightly from previous years, they are still huge figures that can be improved with the right approach.

The Highway Code is dedicated to combating these statistics and helping young drivers educate themselves on road rules that will help ensure people's safety. Key points covered include traffic regulations, laws, penalties and offences. With a play time of just over three hours, the audiobook is a fast, easy and comprehensive way of for young people to learn about road safety. The Highway Code also keeps listeners up to date with legal requirements and legislation.

The content has been sourced from the latest edition of The Official Highway Code and reproduced in audiobook form so listeners receive 100% accurate, official and up-to-date information.

Safety-conscious drivers can buy The Highway Code audiobook from iTunes, Audible (Amazon), GooglePlay or as an MP3 directly from the website. Website visitors are also offered a free introduction download that gives a taster of the wealth of information that is on offer from the new publication. It costs £2.99 in MP3 format, £4 on Audible and £7.99 on GooglePlay.

To find out more about The Highway Code audiobook and how it can help young drivers and road-users develop a complete understanding of road rules and safety, visit