History came to life for pupils at Toftwood Infant School when they spent a day devoted to medieval activities.

The children in Year 2 have been learning about Medieval Norwich as part of their topic and have already visited Norwich Castle.

But their school day was transformed as they became lords and ladies at a banquet with dancing, learned about jousting and jestering and even had a go at archery in the grounds.

Many of the children did not know what archery was but there were excited cheers when they realised it meant 'bow and arrowing'.

The session was led by Goldcrest Outdoor Education with instructor Emily Chittenden taking great care to explain all the safety rules before letting them loose with their weapons, albeit with flat-ended mini arrows.

Teacher Kirsty Ponder said some of the children were quite nervous but turned out to be really handy with a bow.

'The children are learning why archery is relevant to the medieval topic,' she said. 'It gives them the chance to try something new and have lots of fun.'

At the banquet children ate cheese, bread and grapes and each class performed a medieval dance they had learned.

Jousting involved bouncing on space hoppers and using foam swords to try to unseat the other contestant.

Headteacher Joanna Pedlow said: 'These activities are invaluable to developing their enjoyment and understanding of learning, particularly in subject areas such as history.'