As Suffolk prepares for the introduction of the new Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC), Suffolk Police Authority is seeking the views of people living in Waveney on the new post.

The authority is holding its next meeting at the OrbisEnergy Centre in Wilde Street, Lowestoft, on Friday, July 20.

The meeting, which starts 9.30am will include a presentation on policing in the east of the county and an overview by the chief executive of the authority on the transition arrangements for the PCC who will be elected in November and oversee a new Police and Crime Panel, which wil replace the authority.

These will be followed by the formal police authority meeting at 11am.

Joanna Spicer, chairman of the Suffolk Police Authority, said, 'Over the coming months, we will be carrying out some preliminary work that needs to be done on behalf of the PCC in advance of the elections.

'An important element of this work will be the development of the draft Police and Crime Plan and the 2013/14 budget.

'The views of local people are essential so I am hoping that members of the public will attend this meeting to find out more about policing in their area and let us know what their policing priorities are.'