A group of students are planning to visit underprivileged schools on a upcoming trip to Ecuador.

The 27 students and three staff from Wymondham High Academy are planning the four-week trip in partnership with Camps International.

The group will live and travel as part of a community in the highlands and rainforest near the city of Esmeraldas, while helping to improve community facilities there.

The trip follows a similar venture to Borneo.

The school is now collecting donations of items such as pencils, chalk, notebooks, toys and inflatable footballs, for schools in Ecuador.

Wymondham High chief executive Russell Boulton said it was a once-in-a-life-time chance for the students to learn about a different culture.

He said: 'Staff and students are tremendously excited about the trip to Ecuador following the successes of the Borneo trip, where students helped to build a water treatment plant and a kindergarten, replanted an area of rainforest and taught English to local children.

'The team heading off to Ecuador wanted to add a further special dimension by taking some supplies that are just not available to the local children.

'These thoughtful, small and generous gifts from the community here in Norfolk to the children in Esmeraldas remind us of the privileges that we have and our ability to help others to contribute to a better world.

Donations can be dropped off at the school's main reception and sixth form reception. For more information, email donations4ecuador@what.net.