He was only a humble ginger moggy... but Chester the cat is to be honoured with his own memorial plaque in the supermarket car park where he died.

The wandering cat had been seen around the Budgens car park in Harleston for more than a decade.

But he was hit by a car earlier this year and died.

His death, in September, prompted several donations from customers and more than £400 was raised, some of which the Bullock Fair Close store has spent on a plaque to be put up on the front wall.

The leftover money, about £150, will be donated to a nearby cat sanctuary.

Budgens store manager Steve Charlton said he had stopped donations coming in after about three weeks as the total was becoming too high for the store to spend.

'It started with a few customers saying could they donate money for a plaque and then they more than covered the plaque.

'Because we already donate damaged cat food to the sanctuary we thought we'd donate the rest of the money,' he said.

'Chester was a prominent fixture outside the shop and it's quite heartwarming really because people don't have much money.

'It's really generous of them – I've never come across anything like this in my entire career but it shows how generous and close-knit Harleston is.'

It is believed Chester was owned by the occupants of a nearby house.

The plaque reads 'In loving memory of Chester, 2013. The local Budgens cat' and will be put up next week.