Police to advise second hand shops on how to spot stolen goods in an attempt to fight crime in the city.

Officers are encouraging shops to sign up to a scheme under Norwich Traders' Against Crime which will help them avoid buying stolen goods and alert police to suspicious activity.

Traders involved in the initiative will be given advice on how to recognise stolen goods and what they should do if they believe they are being offered illegitimate items.

PC Christine Fuell said of the initiative: 'Many thieves steal items to sell on and make money and can often use second hand shops to quickly exchange goods for cash.

'This scheme will help traders protect themselves from buying stolen goods and ultimately make it more difficult for thieves to get rid of the property they are illegally in possession of.

'Traders will also have the opportunity to become the eyes and ears of their local community and to share any information about people selling off goods suspiciously.'

For further information contact PC Christine Fuell at Bethel Street Police Station on 101.