Conservative councillors in north Norfolk have been urged to honour an alleged promise to rethink car-park charges.

North Norfolk Labour Party campaigned against changes last year which saw higher charges introduced in tourist towns, plus a new evening £1 charge across the district.

A party spokesman said: 'Helen Eales, the then NNDC leader, promised to review car-parking fees at the end of the year. Her successor agreed with Holt Town Council at the end of 2012 the decision to increase fees for tourist towns was somewhat unfair and also agreed to the review.'

Labour claimed other Norfolk councils were trying to help businesses in their towns: Breckland was keeping car parks free, Waveney had found new ways to keep fees low, and West Norfolk had scrapped evening fees last year.

According to Labour, between April 2012 and November 2012 over £77,000 was taken in fines from those failing to pay for a car-parking ticket, and there was concern that the charges had hit the sales of Cromer's Seaside Special, where tickets were down 10pc last year.

Party chairman Denise Burke said: 'We provided our own alternative plan which could help the council generate more money, while avoiding parking charges in the evening or hitting businesses in the quieter periods where statistically there are fewer visitors to the area.'

'We want to see North Norfolk District Council do all it can to show that our town centres are open to business by having a rethink, and following the lead of other local councils that are coming up with creative ideas to boost the local economy.'

Tomorrow morning's NNDC cabinet meeting is set to recommend to full council a freeze on all car-park charges, keeping them at current levels.