A group of RAF veterans has helped raise £4,000 for a charity helping other former servicemen and women in need.

In what it has described as 'the best collection for many years', the RAF Association Thetford branch has been raising money in support of the Wings Appeal throughout the year.

The Wings Appeal is the RAF Association's ongoing fundraising campaign to support serving and former serving RAF personnel and their families, whenever they are in need - whether it is an injured airman fighting to get back onto his feet, a young child missing their parent or a Second World War veteran needing a shoulder to lean on.

This year's Battle of Britain Week street collection in Thetford brought in £419.23, while there was also a Wings Concert in the Carnegie Rooms that featured the Taverham Band and the RAF Honington Military Wives Choir.

A similar concert is planned for next year.

Nigel King, from the RAF Association Thetford branch, said: 'The RAF Association does not receive any government funding. We are dependant on the generosity of the public and the selfless hard work of our volunteers who help raise vital funds for the Wings Appeal.

'We are immensely grateful to all our volunteers and the Thetford Town for their commitment to helping the RAF family.'