The visit of the Tour of Britain to the region was celebrated this morning as an eight mile section of the opening leg was ridden.

Councillors, local cyclist enthusiasts and journalists were joined by pro-rider Andrew Griffiths and triathlete Abbie Thorrington as they rode from Westleton to Southwold.

The ride was to celebrate the region hosting the opening stage of the tour.

On Sunday, September 9 in excess of 150,000 will be expected on the roadsides as the cyclists, including Team Sky's Bradley Wiggins and Mark Cavendish, travel a 199.6km route from the Waterfront in Ipswich to the Norfolk Showground in Norwich.

Mark Bee, leader of Suffolk County Council, said: 'I think it is fantastic for Suffolk and Norfolk that this is happening, particularly in 2012 with a great deal of focus on active sport and particularly cycling.'

Barry Stone, Norfolk County Council cabinet member for culture, said: 'We are very pleased to have the tour for the third year running and more pleased that Bradley Wiggins and Mark Cavendish will be riding as it really will bring out the crowds to watch.'