It was long-haired blonde Rapunzel who was judged to be the best scarecrow at the first Brundall Scarecrow Festival in the village at the weekend.

The Brundall Rainbows clinched the first prize with their attractive scarecrow adorned in a purple dress.

Money raised from the event - which is still to be counted - will go to the Acle and Brundall Lions Club, who organised the event and to the Springdale Residential Home.

Stuart Grimes, a member of the Acle and Brundall Lions, said: 'This was the first time we had done it. We were disappointed with the number of scarecrows, but it seemed that everybody enjoyed themselves event though it was quite a hot day.' In total there were seven scarecrows entered for the competition which ranged from the beautifully dressed Rapunzel to the more traditionally dressed scarecrows.

Mr Grimes said he thought they would be holding a similar event again and they would build on this year's event.

The festival was held at the Springdale Residential Home on Cucumber Lane. The main organiser was Dave Berry from the Acle and Brundall Lions Club.

As well as the scarecrows there was also a football competition.