Lowestoft firefighters have proved they could start new careers - as car washers.

On Saturday Lowestoft South Fire Station on Stradbroke Road held a fund-raising car wash day in aid of the Firefighters Charity.

The crews from across the town's two stations used hoses, rags and buckets of water to wash nearly 100 cars in return for a donation.

And donations also came from people and motorists passing by the fire station, with some drivers handing over money as they waited in traffic.

The car wash event raised £586 for the Firefighters Charity, which seeks to enhance the quality of life for serving and retired fire fighters, fire personnel and their families.

Ian Carter, a retained firefighter from North Lowestoft Fire Station, said: 'It was a great day. We had 90 plus cars to wash and people also kept putting donations in our buckets, people were putting fivers in, which was fantastic.

'It is brilliant to get so much support from people in the town - it means a lot to us that people appreciate what we do as firefighters.'