A petition has been launched calling for immediate action to resolve traffic gridlock outside Carlton Colville Primary School.

Residents living opposite the school in Gisleham Road and in nearby Rushmere Road say they are trapped in their homes by parents dropping off and picking up their children. They have signed a petition demanding that immediate action is taken to address the amount of traffic and inconsiderate parking by parents during school times.

Frank Nicholls, 77, who lives in Gisleham Road, said: 'The place just grinds to a standstill and I still can't get out of my house.

'Suffolk County Council has got to spend some money to get this traffic problem sorted out because it is absolutely chaotic.'

In February, an ambulance taking Mr Nicholls to hospital had to reverse into the school car park and go back down Gisleham Road because its path was blocked by cars. Mr Nicholls had a life-threatening blood clot on his lung and spent four days in hospital.

The primary school held a public meeting in March in a bid to resolve the problems and the county council has unsuccessfully attempted to recruit a new lollipop person at Secrets Corner to encourage more families to walk to school.

Ivan Gilbert, vice-chairman of Gisleham Parish Council, said: 'The whole thing is shambolic and Suffolk County Council has got to be brought to task on this. It really is bad and somebody is eventually going to have an accident and get killed.'

He called for a road to be built on fields alongside the school, to link Gisleham Road with Rushmere Road, to reduce congestion.

Suffolk county councillor Sonia Barker said she would present the petition to Lisa Chambers, the authority's deputy leader and its portfolio holder for education, skills and young people, during a meeting to discuss the issue.

Carol Child, headteacher at the school, said: 'As a school our major concern is keeping our children safe. Unfortunately the traffic system around our large primary school site is inadequate and we are working towards solutions with a range of stakeholders.'