An online version of the NHS 111 service is being trialled across Suffolk as part of a study into how technology can improve patient access to non-emergency healthcare.

The trial which began on 6th March and will run for 10 weeks, directs patients to the new 111 Online service through messages on the existing NHS 111 telephone helpline and in A&E departments, GP surgeries and pharmacies.

The data gathered and feedback received from patients will be used to help shape future services, educate people on when it is appropriate to self-care and decide whether or not 111 Online is installed as a permanent service.

Dr Ed Garratt, Chief Officer of the NHS West Suffolk and Ipswich and East Suffolk clinical commissioning groups, said: 'We want to take advantage of the fact that more and more people are using smartphones to access online services so that people who are unsure of where to find the best advice can access trusted medical guidance.

'For some people 111 Online represents the quickest and most convenient way to do this. Patient safety and quality are, of course, our top priorities, but offering patient's choice is also important and we believe 111 Online will help us do that.'

111 Online utilises advanced clinical algorithms to guide patients through a series of questions which allows the app to direct them to the most appropriate support based on the answers they give.

This includes advice on GP appointment booking, links to detailed healthcare information on the NHS Choices website and further information about patient services in the region.

The online triage process is also linked in to the existing NHS 111 service in Suffolk. If it identifies that a patient needs to speak with a healthcare professional in person they are immediately placed into a queue and will receive a call back to discuss their needs in more detail.

Appropriate referrals to the nearest healthcare service, including Suffolk's out-of-hours medical services, can then be made by specialist advisors.

111 Online is being trialled across the NHS Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG and NHS West Suffolk CCG localities.