Youngsters at Tuckswood Academy, Norwich, have had a back to school lesson in how to enjoy healthy eating, as they took part in a fresh fruit master class.

Asda Norwich Hall Road hosted a nutritious workshop to raise awareness around the importance of healthy eating habits and to promote an active healthy lifestyle amongst the youngsters.

Reception and year one pupils were invited to try the various fruits, including exotic mangoes and bananas, ripe kiwis and apples, raspberries, blueberries, apples.

The group were also encouraged to complete a healthy eating worksheet, asking them to describe and draw the different fruits provided by the supermarket.

Head teacher at Tuckswood Academy, Ian Winter, said: 'The workshop was a great way for the children to start the new school year, and they certainly learnt a lot about the benefits of eating fruit. They really enjoyed sampling the many different world wide fruits that were on offer.'