A grandfather-of-eight has become the new president of a charity club.

John Wilde, of Tacolneston, has been made the new president of Wymondham Lions Club for the year 2018 to 2019.

Mr Wilde, who was preceded by Mike Tufts, has been a 'Lion' for 17 years, and has been in Wymondham since 2005.

The father-of-three and grandfather-of-eight is a former Master Mariner for the Merchant Navy.

For his presidential year he has two main aims, to increase the membership of Wymondham Lions and to try to make them more visible in the community so that everyone knows they are fulfilling their slogan of 'We serve'.

Lions clubs can be found all over the country supporting communities with voluntary work.

To find out more or to enquire about joining contact 0845 833 5749 or wymondhamlions@gmail.com