Its main job will be to draw up an ecomonic plan for the area and promote businesses in and around the town, with the help of a £10,000 government grant to help get it off the ground.

Team members are drawn from businesses and organisations across the town.

Chair Melanie Harriss said: 'We are delighted and surprised to have received the grant which has to be spent by March next year.

'We have had our first team meeting and agreed on two projects to take forward.

'One that will look at providing affordable camping in the town and the other at developing some disused industrial units into a space for small businesses and young people to access.'

Businessman Melvyn Fickling said redeveloping the business units would help create the extra capacity for light industry the town currently lacked.

He added those wishing to start a business often found they had to look elsewhere for suitable premises before they could get their idea off the ground.

'The basic project is to do something with these units which aren't being used,' he said. 'We're losing talent, we're losing entrepreneurs, we're losing opportunities.'

The application for funding, from the department for Communities and local Government, was made by Wells Business Forum with the support of North Norfolk District Council.

Team members are drawn from businesses and organisations across the town of Wells.

Team members are Melanie Harriss, chair of Wells Business Forum and proprietor of social media buisiness Social Monkey; Louise De Lisle, Wells Harbour Commissioners; Alexandra Howell, Howells; Pauline Catton, Wells Town Council; Ben Francis, Wells Maltings Trust; Johanna Tennant, Holkham and Bang! in Wells; Alastair Ogle, Schools; Iain Mackechnie-Jarvis, Wells Community Hospital; Tiff Wright from Mill Farm and Melvyn Fickling.