Football kit, leather jackets, hen-night props, even stilts.

If you're a frequent visitor to the Prince of Wales Road, this strange list of items may sound oddly familiar.

Clubs on Norwich's busiest nighttime street are often overwhelmed by the amount of lost property they gather.

From jackets and coats, to the weird and wonderful, customers at Mercy, Mantra, Stadia and Fluke are no stranger to leaving their belongings behind - especially after a few drinks.

And the charity Safe Haven Project have come up with an innovative way of using the forgotten treasures gathering dust in the city's cloakrooms.

From providing warm coats for the homeless, to raising extra cash for young carers, the clubs' regular donations of lost property to Safe Haven are, according to volunteer Sallie Boyd: 'having such a positive impact in an area with such a bad reputation'.

The items are donated after being held for three months, and the charity do not receive any lost valuables or money.