We asked the general election candidates in North Norfolk to tell us why you should vote for them on Thursday, June 8. We also invited them to submit videos outlining their three priorities. This is what they said:


Stephen Burke (Labour)

'Politics is all about priorities. Labour's priorities are clear: we are for the many not the few. That's why we pledge not to raise taxes for the 95pc on low and middle incomes and why we will invest in public services everyone uses, like the NHS, education, trains and care and support for older and disabled people.

'The wealthiest individuals and corporations will fund better services, and Labour will protect the triple lock on pensions and the winter fuel allowance.

'In North Norfolk my priorities are to invest in coastal defences and protect our communities; to ensure universal mobile and broadband coverage and create jobs for young people in green, hi tech business; and to make North Norfolk the best place to grow older.

'That means better health and care services closer to home, together with more opportunities for older people to be involved in their community and better transport to get out and about.

'I love North Norfolk. I live and work here, actively improving health, housing and care for older people.

'In North Norfolk, the local Labour Party's campaigns have set the agenda on ambulances, hospital parking charges, train services, and mobile and broadband coverage.

'We are a rich country and we need an MP who will fight for a fair share of investment to improve North Norfolk's infrastructure and services.

'That's what I will do as the only candidate who lives in North Norfolk, as you will see on your ballot paper. I am on your side.'

Norman Lamb (Liberal Democrat)

'For the last 16 years, I have been working hard for local people in North Norfolk.

'As your MP, I have fought for better local health services, defended school budgets, and taken up over 100,000 cases to help local residents with important issues.

'If re-elected, I will keep campaigning for an additional penny on income tax to raise an extra £6bn for our under-funded NHS and social care.

'I want an NHS we can be proud of, equal access to treatment for people with mental ill health, and dignified care in old age.

'I strongly oppose the Conservatives' plans to charge older people much more for care at home, and am urging the Government to implement the cap on care costs I introduced as health minister.

'Brexit is at the front of many people's minds in this election, and my position is clear. Although I voted to Remain, I am a democrat and I accept the outcome of the referendum.

'Now that the people have voted to leave the EU, I will fight to make sure North Norfolk gets the best possible deal from negotiations – for local businesses, jobs, and public services.

'The Conservatives are set to win a comfortable majority nationally – but we cannot have a One Party State, or people will be taken for granted. We need a strong alternative voice in negotiations.

'I hope you will support me on June 8, and vote to keep an MP who has shown a commitment and dedication to this community.'

James Wild (Conservative)

'I grew up in North Norfolk and I want to make it a better place to work and live. I will bring my energy and commitment to be a strong voice for this area – a good local MP.

'I am offering more than that. As part of Theresa May's team, I will get a better deal for North Norfolk and tackle long-running issues holding this area back.

'In the three weeks of this campaign I've had the Coastal Protection Minister in Bacton talking about protecting our coastline, the Digital Minister in Mundesley talking about improving mobile coverage and broadband, the Police and Crime Commissioner in North Walsham, and the International Trade Secretary talking exports in Cromer.

'I'm the only candidate here who voted for Brexit and is backing Theresa May's plan to get the best deal for Brexit. We've had the vote – now we need to deliver it.

'Norman Lamb voted to Remain. He failed to vote on triggering Article 50 – you can't sit on the fence when there has been a decisive majority. Now he wants a second referendum. 60pc of people here who, like me, voted to leave and we need to get on to deliver the best deal – not have the uncertainty of a second referendum.

'The negotiations start 11 days after the election. It will either be Theresa May or Jeremy Corbyn. That's the choice.

'Electing a Conservative MP will ensure Norfolk North benefits from the PM's plan for a stronger, fairer, more prosperous future.'