Free car parking will return to a seaside town to encourage shoppers to head onto the high street instead of shopping online.

Residents and shoppers in Cromer will be offered a chance to park for free in the bid to get more people shopping local.

Sam Grout, the chairman of Cromer's Chamber of Trade, said: "Resent paying £7.99 for next day delivery from certain online stores, only for it not to arrive? Burned off a weeks worth of fuel queuing for the Norwich car parks? Train been cancelled? Cromer can solve all of these problems and more with free parking again this Saturday.

"No matter how small your purchase, the money you spend in Cromer is gratefully received, much more likely to remain in the local economy and keeps your town centre vibrant."

The Meadow Road, Runton Road and Cadogan Road car parks, run by North Norfolk District Council, will be offering free parking on Saturday, December 7.