A local pressure group have expressed their anger over speeding drivers on a busy bypass and have called for the county council and police to get involved.

Residents Against Noise and Speed (RANS) in Kessingland say that speeding goes unabated on the Kessingland Bypass, which runs between the roundabout to the south of Jaydene Caravan Park to the roundabout up at Morrisons.

Eastern Daily Press: One of the damaged signposts at the Jaydene roundabout at Kessingland. Picture: DENISE BRADLEYOne of the damaged signposts at the Jaydene roundabout at Kessingland. Picture: DENISE BRADLEY (Image: Archant 2021)

However, the group have welcomed that Kessingland Parish Council will be working alongside Suffolk Highways, to bring a public consultation on traffic calming measures on London Road.

Eastern Daily Press: The devastation left behind by the speeding drivers.The devastation left behind by the speeding drivers. (Image: Residents Against Noise and Speed (RANS))

They say this will help ease speeding on London Road Gisleham.

But speeders recently went over the roundabout, just south of Jaydene Caravan Park, going straight over it and hitting signs including the Heathlands Beach Caravan Park sign.

Eastern Daily Press: A damaged signpost and tyre tracks across the Jaydene roundabout at Kessingland. Picture: DENISE BRADLEYA damaged signpost and tyre tracks across the Jaydene roundabout at Kessingland. Picture: DENISE BRADLEY (Image: Archant 2021)

“I could hear them racing again on Sunday night” says Peter Herridge, owner of Jaydene Caravan Park.

“They went flying across the roundabout and damaging signs, and leaving treads on the grass in the roundabout.

"We got told that Suffolk Constabulary, were going to do more enforcement patrols but there was no enforcement of this on Sunday, November 28, as a result of our public meeting at Livingstones, which we had on November 16.”

Eastern Daily Press: Adam Robertson, member of Residents Against Speed and Noise (RANS).Adam Robertson, member of Residents Against Speed and Noise (RANS). (Image: Residents Against Speed and Noise)

“We need to see proactive action taken on the speeding and anti-social behaviour, which is happening on the Kessingland Bypass especially on weekend nights”, says Adam Robertson, RANS member.

“Suffolk County Council has a chance to do this by backing the motion proposed by the official opposition (Greens and Liberal Democrats) and enforcing speed limits along with the combating of anti-social behaviour.

"They have failed to do this so far on the ‘7 O’Clock Club’."

Eastern Daily Press: A damaged signpost and tyre tracks across the Jaydene roundabout at Kessingland. Picture: DENISE BRADLEYA damaged signpost and tyre tracks across the Jaydene roundabout at Kessingland. Picture: DENISE BRADLEY (Image: Archant 2021)

Paul West, cabinet member for operational highways and flooding said: “Suffolk County Council would be happy to work with the police to tackle concerns of anti-social behaviour on the Kessingland Bypass.

"However, speed enforcement cameras are the responsibility of Suffolk Constabulary, and they can only be installed as a solution to a recognised road accident problem linked to speeding.”

Eastern Daily Press: A damaged signpost and tyre tracks across the Jaydene roundabout at Kessingland. Picture: DENISE BRADLEYA damaged signpost and tyre tracks across the Jaydene roundabout at Kessingland. Picture: DENISE BRADLEY (Image: Archant 2021)

A spokesperson for Kessingland Parish Council said: “Kessingland Parish Council take the matter of speeding and community safety seriously.

"The council operates a Speed Indication Device (SID) at a number of locations in the village which records the speed of every vehicle that passes it.

"The council is also in the final stages of setting up a new community speedwatch group which will also work within the village.

"When it comes to the by-pass neither of the above speed deterrents can be used. However the parish council have applied to the Police and Crime Commissioner for the bypass be a trial location for a new type of automatic speed camera which Suffolk Constabulary are currently testing and do raise speeding regularly with SCC Highways and the police.”

Eastern Daily Press: A damaged signpost and tyre tracks across the Jaydene roundabout at Kessingland. Picture: DENISE BRADLEYA damaged signpost and tyre tracks across the Jaydene roundabout at Kessingland. Picture: DENISE BRADLEY (Image: Archant 2021)

Inspector Nick Aitken, Locality Inspector for Lowestoft, said: “Lowestoft Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) has been working in partnership with East Suffolk Council Anti-Social Behaviour Team and local residents of Kessingland to combat the ongoing problems of a small minority of road users, who have been committing antisocial behaviour with motor vehicles during the evenings on various nights of the week, especially at the weekends.

“Several Kessingland residents have highlighted the fact that these individuals seem to have little concern for the right to a private life that all Suffolk residents should be able to enjoy, and their selfish behaviour has resulted in Lowestoft Police adopting this issue as specific problem which is being policed from a variety of different angles.

"Lowestoft SNT have seized several cars and issued individuals involved with numerous traffic offence reports for matters ranging from exhausts that do not comply with legislation, to driving with excess speed.

“Several longer-term solutions are being developed in partnership with East Suffolk Council and considerations being given to applying for powers via the courts to enable more stringent enforcement to be utilised moving forward.

"We would urge those that have been attending this area to gather in motor vehicles and drive their cars inappropriately to consider how they would feel if the excessive noise and general public nuisance caused by their behaviour was being committed in the area in which they live.”