In response to: Plans afoot for pedestrian scheme in Diss's historic centreDo the elderly and disabled want to use the area more?

Benches are a good idea but they need canopies and bins, to keep them dry and free from litter.

It is so easy to think up wonderful schemes from an office and drawing-board but actual needs and upkeep are basic requirements - and expensive.

Toblerones need space, resurfacing pavements need expert attention as the base needs to be solid, or the stones will tip after a few months as they have done all over Diss.

I am a pedestrian and luckily I live in the higher part of Diss so do not need the climb from the Mere! We do need public toilets at the top end of Diss but they do not seem to be a priority for the Triangle.

Elizabeth Mooney, Pearce Road, Diss