A motorist has been caught doing 91mph on Gorleston bypass during a patrol operation over two nights.


The driver was one of three to feel the force of the law for exceeding the 50mph speed limit.

A police tweet said: 'Gorleston officers have been completing speed checks on Gorleston bypass. Over two nights/early mornings last week three tickets issued including 91mph in a 50mph limit.

'Excuses included 'I'm not from round here' and 'I'm late for work.''

MORE: 'I know I was speeding officer - I'm late for the hairdressers' - excuse from 91mph driver on A11

Gorleston Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel (SNAP) is meeting on Wednesday September 20 6.30-7.30pm at St Peter's Church in Lowestoft Road for people to discuss any concerns.