An Eastern Daily Press sign dating back to the 1920s has been found during an archeological dig in Diss.

The discovery was made over the weekend as teams took part in a dig at the site of the old brick makers on Nelson Road in the town.

The dig was part of a project called 'What East Anglia Thew Away' and Dr Tom Licence who led the dig said they were hoping to find evidence of domestic waste thrown away by fly-tippers in the early twentieth century.

'We were looking to find domestic objects for a new heritage exhibition at the Corn Exchange in Diss but the Eastern Daily Press sign was the first thing we came across,' he said. 'We can date it to the 1920s due to other objects we found surrounding it including a sign for the Suffolk Chronicle. Both look like they would have been attached to shops before being thrown away.'

Other objects found in the dig included items from an old scrap yard a number of house hold objects.

The dig was part of a wider project looking at historic rubbish across the region with other successful digs in King's Lynn and Kirton Rectory in Suffolk.

•If you would like to find out more about digs going on in the region then visit the 'What the Victorians Threw Away' website.