A campaign has been launched to reduce the number of accidental child poisonings as it has emerged that Norfolk is one of the regions in the country to have a high number of incidents.

Latest figures have shown that 100 children under the age of five were admitted with accidental poisoning at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King's Lynn from 2012 to 2014.

In light of the figures, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) has teamed up with QEH health professionals and have launched their 'Take action today, put them away' campaign.

Speaking at the event, which was held at the hospital yesterday, RoSPA's deputy chief executive, Errol Taylor, said: 'We have looked around the country and focused on the areas with the higher number of poison incidents.

'We did this with Merseyside, and since then we have found that the number of A&E attendances has halved. The message is simple - keep toxic products out of reach. Anything from a glass of wine to slug pellets.'

Nikki Smart, senior sister paediatric lead at the QEH added: 'The emergency department is always keen to provide information for families on a variety of topics and would very much like to help build awareness of the dangers of children ingesting household products.'

Has your child ever been accidently poisoned? Email natalie.copeland@archant.co.uk.